The Gujarati film industry is in big sorrow because it lost its millennium stars, Mahesh and Naresh, today. Both brothers started their journey at 0 and ended today as big heroes.
Today I want to share The Six Mahesh-Naresh Rules for your success in speaking English.
1st: Mahesh and Naresh were great artists from an early age, and they started their artist journey as railway singers and performers. It means that at an early time in their career, they used to sing on trains to entertain passengers with the small amount of money from appreciation.
As a beginner, you can relate this same story to your English-speaking journey. Your duty is to just start from anywhere. Whenever you get the chance, just try to communicate in English. You will not directly become fluent in this language, but your small steps will lead you to success in English speaking.
2nd: Mahesh and Naresh were both really enthusiastic in their performances. Mahesh used to sing, while Naresh used to dance and perform art in song.
You can also do the same thing for your English-speaking journey. Find a partner like Mahesh and perform with him regularly. But remember, you should be very enthusiastic, like them.
3rd: Mahesh and Naresh went to Mumbai for their career in orchestra. They struggled a lot, and at that time, there was no one in Mumbai where they could take shelter. However, they jumped into the unknown and never gave up.
You have to decide how I am going to master this English language skill. I have to struggle as a beginner, but I will never give up and give my continuous efforts until I get success in English speaking.
4th: They started their official party, Mahesh Kumar & Party, and started to perform as a band.
You have to take initiative to perform. Higher any official Mentor and perform as a brand English speaker.
5th: While performing their regular programs, Mahesh got a chance as a musician, and Naresh got a chance as a hero in one of the Gujarati movies.
When you continuously improve your skills in this language, you will automatically get better opportunities in your career.
6th: Once Mahesh-Naresh got the chance in industry, they never looked back. With hard work and efforts, they achieved a supreme level in the Gujarati film industry. With this, they automatically got many awards. They became good politicians and earned great wealth, love, fame, and everything else.
So when will you achieve fluency in this global skill? Global doors of opportunity will open for you. Right now, you are not able to imagine and believe how your life can transform by learning this digital language skill.
At the end, as a writer and coach, my duty is to give you inspiration from anywhere that can help you improve yourself. This is my tribute as an English-speaking coach in my manner to Mahesh-Naresh, the greatest millennium stars of all time.
If you are going to apply the Mahesh-Naresh rule to your journey, then reply in the comments with the Mahesh-Naresh rule.
Mayur "The Mahesh-Naresh Rule" Soni