• 20 February, 2023
  • 8 min read


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Good Stories have the power to create an extraordinary effect if we are able to nurture them with the proper essence of explanation. There are many great stories that have the power to create this effect, and The Harshad Mehta story is a big and current example of it.

The scam 1992 Harshad Mehta's story has now become a very popular and widely discussed topic at every level of communication. How a common Gujarati lower-middle-class person who didn’t have any share market background controlled the whole market with his powerful communication skills and burning desire to create history

Here, I don’t want to talk about whether he was right or wrong, but I want you to learn about the power of communication, which helped him to lead in the market and make himself the "Big bull" of the share market.

Dream: Harshad was a guy from a lower-middle-class family. His father’s business was lost, and they were suffering to create a consistent income for them. Harshad wanted to solve all their financial problems, and he was looking for the opportunity to create their own venture. By following his dreams and desires, he had the fruitful thought to enter the stock market. He settled for small and started to do a broker job. In the beginning, he was a very good student and learned all the alpha and beta of the share market.

First lesson: Anything can start from the bottom; you just need a desire to do something better. No worries if you are at zero; a good student can be a hero!

Action: Harshad was very aware that he was zero in the market, but he had something that other people didn’t. He knew very well what he was doing. and why he was doing it? He wanted to create history. He made friends in the beginning and worked for the work, not the money. He wanted money to work for him. He was so passionate that his ego never stopped him from learning something new.

Second lesson: Dreaming is not enough to get success. The dream and action should be parallel. If the opportunity comes, then don’t waste time thinking about it. As a beginner, never expect a return. Always look for the work and never allow your ego to hurt yourself; otherwise, it can harm your ambition. If we don’t look at the fall of Harshad and only follow his beginning strategy to build his empire, then it can be a great management skill to learn and become the best.

Opportunity: Harshad has spent a very good time learning the shares market and has also understood its roots properly. Now he was looking for the opportunity to start his venture. He opened his own account and started trading at his own risk. Harshad did well in the beginning, but sudden falls in the market put him in danger. His account was blocked, and he didn’t have the money to invest, but he had the mind to think beyond the problems. He started his own firm "Growmore" as a broker and became "Dariya of Dalal Ganj.".

3rd Lesson: Learn the skills to implement at the right opportunity. Don’t worry about the setbacks. "Hard times always bring new opportunities". Don’t play the blame game! Instead of blaming and talking about problems, you also need to have the mindset to think beyond the problem because every problem comes with a new opportunity. Remember the dialogue, "Success kya hai? Failure ke bad ka Naya chapter?

Expert: Growmore was doing fantastic. Harshad’s advice to his clients was to do miracles. Harshad was doing a lot of research on investment. He built up his resources to get information from the companies and their financial deals. And with his powerful research and calculations, he was giving advice to his clients.

Fourth lesson: If you learn something, it doesn’t mean you become an expert. Experts always do proper research and practice. It’s a continuous process to become the best. You cannot live at the top, but you can stay there by updating yourself daily.

Be Your Own: His research and calculations started to pay his clients a lot of value, and with their success, he was also getting results from his way of thinking. Harshad was now in favor of success. He wanted to go for more; actually, he wanted to drive the market in his own way, but he forgot he couldn’t become the permanent driver.

Harshad was a star, and his confidence was at a peak. Now he was interested in something big and convinced the banks to follow his theory, and with the support of banks, he started to play in a market with the money of banks, but in reality, as we know, banks don’t have their own money; they have the money of the public. Indirectly, Harshad was playing with the money of the public, and he was confident enough to make a profit. However, it was against the policy. His deals awaken some giant eyes in him, and the genius becomes the prisoner.

5th lesson: skills have the power to make you a king. You can make a difference in your life and others. Publicly impossible things can be possible with your own skill. and when you do it, people see you as a genius, magician, Big Bull, etc. But don’t become what they call you; otherwise, it will become very difficult to prove yourself the best, as happened with Harshad Mehta.


I have specially prepared these lessons to help you learn how you can relate your journey to the most famous man in the BSE market. Accept the dos and be aware of the don’ts. Besides his character, Harshad is also a great example of ambition and expertise. A man with ambition can build a lot of expertise to achieve what he wants.

Are you going to use these lessons in your journey?

Tell me in the comments!

Mayur's " The Big Bull Rule" soni

Credit: Scam, 1992 Harshad Mehta story by Hanshal Mehta

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