• 18 May, 2023
  • 5 min read


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Today I want to share The 3E formula for your success in speaking English. As a native speaker, it becomes very difficult for us to speak in a non-native language.

Because, as we have learned in school and college, There was no atmosphere for us to speak in this language. But now that the world is growing digitally in a large way, We have to learn this language to become proper communicators at work, in business, in school, etc.

I understand this problem very well because I suffered from it. But it is a learnable skill. With the proper method and the right amount of effort, we can master this language.

So today I want to share the triple E formula with you to master this language, which has helped me and my students a lot and will also work for you 100%.

1st E: The first "E" stands for excitement. As a good learner, you first need to develop proper excitement for this language. Come out of your comfort zone and just give your mind some time to understand the importance of this language for you.

For example: Just try to think right now if you can speak English confidently from this moment on. How productive will you feel in your life? Will you find more opportunities for finance and standards in your life? Try to think about it. Write down all the thoughts that come to mind. Then, at the end, make one mission statement.

Ex., "I am going to master English language skills in 3 months. You will feel excited to learn this language.

2nd E: The second "E" stands for Effectiveness. After creating excitement for this language, your duty is to be "Effective". It means your mind should be more alert to grasp English words from the atmosphere. Try to understand pronunciation, pitching, meaning, etc. Also, try to form sentences using those words.

For example, If I heard the word procrastination," what would I do? I will search for the meaning of this word. You can simply friend Google by typing search. You can also hear the pronunciation of that word there. I will find that my answer, procrastination," means "to ignore or delay" something. Now try to form a sentence. Ex. I procrastinate and get up early in the morning.

3rd E: The 3rd "E" stands for Efficiency. You need to repeat this activity for a certain period of time. Because, as we know, nothing happens overnight. Your efficiency will pay you 100% in results. There is no other way to learn this language than by following this 3E rule.

I wish you Success!

If the 3E rule is helpful to you, then please reply. I will love to answer your comments.


Mayur "THE 3E RULE" Soni

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