• 22 March, 2023
  • 5 min read


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Today I want to share the 10 things that you can do to improve your speaking English.

1) Make mistakes: The majority of people are afraid of making mistakes while speaking English. But let me tell you, there is no perfect person on this planet who doesn’t make mistakes. Mistakes prove to us that we are trying to learn, so it’s a positive sign of your growth. If you want to become a good English communicator, I want to advise you to make as many mistakes as you can.

2) Curious: Become curious to learn the English language. Create an English-speaking atmosphere around you. Watch good English movies with subtitles, English songs, speeches, news, etc. Give at least an hour a day to your curiosity about English.

3) Have one diary: make one diary and write at least five new words in a day and speak them with their meaning. You can also try to form sentences by using them.

4) Use in routine: Try to use English in routine words. Ex. Use hundred, clothes, travel, office, home,study, etc. in routine. Replace them with your native words.

5) Voice notes: In place of typing long messages, send voice notes in WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. It’s a great exercise for your fluency. Do it with your friends and relatives. It will help a lot.

6) Don’t ignore the importance of this language. Your patience will 100% pay off. Keep learning and practicing daily.

7) Thoughts: try to create English thoughts in your mind. For example, if you are going to a restaurant, how will you call a waiter and order food in English? Etc.

8) Don’t worry about your accent: Don’t give too much focus to your English accent. You should be real whenever you practice. Follow your natural habit of speaking.

9) Confidence: Many students ask me, sir, how I can improve my confidence. My answer is that for confidence, you have to have the proper knowledge of the particular topic on which you are going to speak. So as a beginner, start small. Improve your knowledge day by day and do your best to perform. Confidence will automatically increase.

10) Mentorship: Take a proper mentorship to save yourself a lot of time. Mentors have already made it possible, which is impossible for you now. Their guidance can do miracles for you.

So friends, these are the 10 things to improve your Speaking English. And the eleventh, which I did not mention, is "IMPLEMENTATION."

I wish you Success in Speaking English.

Love and Respect

Mayur Soni

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